How to get to Nazca

The small town of Nazca is located just 7 hours south of Lima and can only be reached by land. Although it has an airport, this is only used for the Nazca Lines Flight. Fortunately, most cities like Lima, Arequipa, and Cusco have bus routes to Nazca making it extremely easy to get there. Add to the fact that Peru is home to some of the best buses in South America in terms of comfort, and you’re in for a pleasant journey.

Now, when going to Nazca, you will have 2 main options for buses:

Hop-on, hop-off bus

This style of travel is a favorite of many visitors to Peru. Made famous in Peru by the only hop-on, hop-off system, Peru Hop, it has become the preferred method of travel by many. For one thing, it offers flexibility. Most bus companies take you from point A to point B and you only get to see things along the way from the window. The Peru Hop service, allows you to get off the bus (hop-off) to see and explore more of the places you like. Once you feel you have seen enough, you simply get back on another bus (hop-on) to continue your trip at no additional charge. Secondly, it offers a fun experience because the bilingual guides on-board give you a little cultural immersion by giving you countless facts and details as you go on your trip. Additionally, they get the friendly vibe going and encourage passenger interaction from people of all ages and nationalities. In essence, you travel independently, but never alone.

On top of that, Peru Hop offers free pick-ups and drop-offs at most destinations among many other benefits such as accommodation discounts, free tours, and much more.

Public buses

Long-distance Peruvian bus companies offer a wide range of options for every budget. From the luxurious to the very basic. Although some offer great comfort, they do lack consistent bilingual assistance before and during the trip which puts off some travelers visiting Peru.

When comparing public bus options, make sure to check out their Tripadvisor ratings and/or comments on social media to make sure that they are a trustworthy company to travel with.